Serenity Through Self Care

Choosing wellness this winter with The Greystone Yogi Sara Hartless
What does daily wellness look like to you?
Being kind to yourself, being grateful for where you are and allowing moments of stillness are my favorite ways to implement daily wellness.
Is there a specific place on property you would recommend to guests seeking quiet tranquility during their stay?
The fishing dock and the solarium are incredibly beautiful, calming and natural places to find peace and quiet… these are some of the hidden gems of the property.
For a lot of people, the concept of self-care and wellness is difficult to practice. What do you think helps guests adjust that mindset?
Wellness is first and foremost a choice, and it doesn’t always look like a workout, bubble bath or face mask. Sometimes it’s a walk in nature by yourself, or chocolate cake, or the decision to say no and sit by the fire with a book instead. Self-care is about giving ourselves the space to be at our happiest… so we can tackle whatever life throws our way next!
What inspires you most about Lake Toxaway, and how does that translate to the spirit of mindfulness for visitors?
The story of Miss Lucy’s love and care for the community and environment I think is very much still part of this property’s charm. The involvement in uplifting women of the area is so inspiring, and that nurturing mentality is carried on by much of the staff at Greystone. With people looking out to enhance your experience, there’s extra room for being present and mindful.
The Greystone is surrounded by natural beauty. What do you feel rejuvenates guests most during the winter months?
I’ve heard the frozen waterfalls are a must see, and I can’t wait to experience it! There’s also something so comforting about watching the stillness of the lake, as there are significantly less boats out enjoying the water.
What is special about the techniques and treatment at The Greystone spa? What treatment or service do you recommend to someone working to destress?
Just being at The Greystone automatically allows for deeper breaths and less stress. To really leave it all behind I encourage people to add on scalp massages, as this encourages overall relaxation, can relieve tension headaches, and stimulates the parasympathetic nervous system, which aids in “rest and digest”.
Is yoga really for everyone?
Heck, yes! Yoga is so much more than asana (the postures of yoga) or pranayama (the breathing practices of yoga) that first come to mind. My favorite sutra to reflect on is referred to as the “locks and keys,” as cultivating attitudes of “friendliness towards the happy, compassion for the unhappy, delight in the virtuous and disregard toward the wicked…” How amazing would it be if we could all remember to do that every day!?
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