
Retreat to The Greystone this Winter

Happy New Year!

Start your new year off right by checking off one of the goals or resolutions on your list—we can help you out. We have two incredible retreats coming to The Greystone this winter. One focuses on a developing a new skill while other focuses on you and your wellbeing.

Our first retreat this winter is the Inspired Writing Workshop (March 1-3) featuring Dacre Stoker (international best-selling author of Dracula the Un-Dead and Dracul) and Leverett Butts (award-winning author of the Guns of the Waste Land series). This writer’s workshop has been created to appeal to the novice or aspiring writer who is interested in learning to write in a wide variety of genres. Let the stories of best-selling authors motivate you with this opportunity to improve your writing and develop your ideas in the comfortable reprieve of our inn.

It’s a three day writing workshop that includes inspiring storytellers, writing workshops with constructive critique, publishing information, and discussion. Open to both the community and to guests, this retreat will sell out quickly so be sure to call us to book your retreat today!

Our second retreat is a Yoga Renewal Retreat where you can enrich and nourish your mind, body, and soul—all levels are welcome! This 3-day experience is filled with mindfulness, movement, and nourishment and will rejuvenate your mind, body, and soul. Disconnect and reflect in the beauty of the mountains and lake on the peaceful shores of Lake Toxaway as you dedicate two nights and three days to just you.

The retreat features an opening practice and intention setting ceremony, evening restoration and meditation, daily yoga practices, evening meditation and foot soaks, and wellness wisdom and transformation. This retreat is also open to the community and to our guests—you can reserve your spot by giving us a call today.

We can’t wait for everyone to join us for these two amazing workshops and retreats! It’s going to be an incredible experience.